75/21, F. Engelsa St.
Moscow, 105082, Russia
Territory of block 0050316, bld. 468, Padikovo, Istra,
Moscow Region, 143582, Russia
Please send consumer complaints and information about adverse events to:
75 Friedricha Engelsa St., bldg. 21, floor 4, office 403B, Moscow, 105082, Russia, MEDIPAL LLC
To report any facts of illegal actions in the field of anti-corruption, competition protection, conflict of interest management and ethics by MEDIPAL employees or third parties in relation to MEDIPAL, as well as facts of inducing MEDIPAL employees to such actions, use one of the following methods. The telephone line for calls from Russia and CIS countries is free and anonymous.
Feedback form is in the section Business Ethics
Company offices and representative offices
MEDIPAL operates in all regions of the Russian Federation, has 15 branches and representative offices.
The company employees work in all regions of the country, as well as in the CIS, near and far abroad countries. We are constantly expanding the geography of our presence by opening new branches.
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