Corporate reputation is one of the key conditions for successful business
MEDIPAL’s reputation for integrity and quality is one of our main competitive advantages. We strive to remain a reliable and attractive partner, strictly adhering to accepted rules, conducting business on behalf of our Company.
Today, public attention to corporate transparency is increasing, and the ability to identify and resolve situations involving compliance and legal risks is particularly important. Every day, when we make decisions, we analyze situations for compliance and behave as a creative and responsible business partner.
Compliance with the norms and rules of business ethics by the company’s employees is its «business card» and determines the attitude of its partners to it. Their trust and respect for the company, as well as employees for their employer, are considered one of the foundations of success.
Employees share the belief that in addition to complying with all laws and regulations, it is important to act in accordance with the highest ethical and moral principles.
One of the key parameters of our efficient operation is strict compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and compliance with corporate governance standards. MEDIPAL’s reputation as a leading distributor in the healthcare industry depends on each team member making the right decisions every day.
MEDIPAL has a Code of Conduct and Corporate Ethics that establishes standards of responsible behavior, is a practical guide and a set of ethical and moral rules and regulations. Each member of the team, regardless of his or her position, undertakes to be guided by the provisions of the Code in the course of his or her work.
We respect fundamental social principles, take into account people’s cultural differences, support the disadvantaged, are environmentally responsible, and clearly understand and follow our social position.
In our work we adhere to the principles of fair business conduct and zero tolerance for corruption in any form, we honor the laws of the countries in which we operate.
MEDIPAL has approved the Anti-Corruption Policy, Antimonopoly Policy, a Regulation on Conflict of Interest Management, a number of other compliance acts that contain the basic principles and directions of MEDIPAL's compliance policy. The company has also adopted a Charity Regulation regulating the procedure and conditions for providing charitable assistance.
The Anti-corruption policy reflects the commitment of the company and its management to high ethical standards of conducting an open and honest business, following the best practices of corporate governance and maintaining business reputation at the proper level; defines key principles and requirements aimed at preventing corruption and compliance by the company with applicable anti-corruption laws.
In order to effectively manage compliance risks in the company, we need to know about all violations. If you have become aware of any facts of illegal actions in the field of anti-corruption, competition protection, conflict of interest management and ethics by MEDIPAL employees or third parties in relation to MEDIPAL, as well as facts of inducing MEDIPAL employees to such actions, write to us using our communication methods for compliance appeals specified in the section "Contacts".
Anti-corruption policy >
Antitrust policy >
Interaction with government officials and healthcare professionals >
Conflict of Interest Management Regulations >
Charity Regulations >
The MEDIPAL Group of companies, along with other ways of reporting identified (or planned to commit) violations of anti-corruption, antimonopoly legislation and fair business practices (hotline and official e-mail specified in the "Contacts" section), also operates a feedback form.
You can use the form below to report any behavior (actions, omissions) of MEDIPAL employees that, in your opinion, is incompatible with current legislation, accepted standards (local regulations), contractual obligations and principles of business ethics.
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